Brooke Personal Pic

Brooke Blydenburgh 

High School Student who loves travel 

I am a down to earth person trying to live in a fantasy world. My passions lie in movies and fandoms, which is all I really have going for me. Marvel and Star Wars are my life, demonstrated in my museum of a bedroom. Comic Cons and Disney World is where I thrive. I don't really have any aspirations other than having a good enough job to support my nerdy lifestyle. Since nothing will ever be good enough to anyone, I'm done giving my best. A care-free joyous life is my goal now.                        


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Website   :  

Phone : (727) 594-2760

Address :  3940 10th Ave N, St. Pete FL 33596 


IT Academy Student 

11th Grade - 2023 

Classes I've taken in this academy include a course where we learned how to build a computer and define each pieve of hardware inside. I also took a course that instilled the basics of Word, PowerPoint, and Excel in me, which are three vital resources used in future jobs, increasing my job readiness. I took a class on how to use certain Adobe applications, such as Premiere Pro and After Effects, where we learned to edit movies. A class I am currently taking teaches me how to code a website manually and with Adobe Dreamweaver;  all great tools for future jobs. This class also taught how to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, unlocking the creative side in the world of web design and art. I feel I am fully equipped with all the commonly used platforms to help me be ready for any job oppurtunity or further education leaps I'll take in the future.